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Revisions for the 2011 National Electrical CodeŽ - Part 3

Patrick S. Ouillette, PE

Course Outline

This 3-hr. online course covers changes to the requirements for Type NM cable (romex), indoor branch circuit and feeder installations, and outdoor overhead conductors over 600 volts. It discusses new requirements for receptacle replacements, tamper-resistant receptacles, and field marking of switchboards and panelboards. In addition, the course addresses generators supplying multiple loads, transformer disconnecting means, isolated-ground receptacles in health care facilities, ground-fault protection at marinas and boatyards, and ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protected receptacles for temporary installations.

This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of the course materials.

Learning Objective

Completion of this course will:

Intended Audience

This course is intended for electrical engineers.

Benefit for Attendee

The student who is not familiar with NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®, will learn about some of the regulations for safeguarding persons and property from hazards arising from the use of electricity. Code users will be better able to ensure compliance with applicable Code standards for plans and specifications prepared or reviewed by the student.

Course Introduction

Part 3 of this 4-part series covers Article 334 through Article 590. The course covers only major Code changes, but provides depth of coverage.
The layout and the method of presentation will enable new Code users to navigate through the changes. Those well experienced in the Code will find depth in the coverage. Through the heading(s) at the beginning of each Code change addressed in the document, the reader will readily identify the section affected by the change and the specific subject being discussed. The Significance section serves as an introduction to the Code change under discussion. An Analysis of the Code change follows, with explanation as necessary to help the student understand the revision, its background, and the logic of the change. Graphics, photographs, examples, or calculations are used to illustrate the change and to enhance learning. The Summary is a brief re-statement of the highlights of the Code change. An Application Question, with Answer and key to the correct answer, is included at the end of each Code section studied for exercise in applying the change and to broaden learning. Many of the sections analyzed contain a Code Refresher that addresses existing Code requirements related to the change. The author attempts to tie the entire NEC® together through the study of the changes.        

Although there are many references to the 2011 NEC® throughout this document, the course and quiz can be completed without the need to refer to the NEC® itself. For further study on any Code section within this course, the 2011 NEC® should be consulted.   

Course Content

The course content is contained in the following PDF files:

Revisions for the 2011 National Electrical CodeŽ - Part 3

Part 3 Table of Contents

Please click on the above underlined hypertext to view, download or print the document for your study. Because of the large file size, we recommend that you first save the file to your computer by right clicking the mouse and choosing "Save Target As ...", and then open the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you still experience any difficulty in downloading or opening this file, you may need to close some applications or reboot your computer to free up some memory.

Course Summary

These are the most significant changes (the need to know changes) in the 2011 National Electrical Code®. The student should have gained a basic understanding of the latest changes to these Code sections. Students may have identified sections or topics pertinent to their work activity for which further study is warranted. For further study on any Code section within this course, the full text of the 2011 NEC® should be consulted. The NEC® Handbook is also available and contains expert commentary to many Code sections. 


Related Links

For additional technical information related to this subject, please visit the following websites or web pages:

International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) – IAEI Magazine –
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) –
necplus –


Once you finish studying the above course content, you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.

Take a Quiz

DISCLAIMER: The materials contained in the online course are not intended as a representation or warranty on the part of PDH Center or any other person/organization named herein. The materials are for general information only. They are not a substitute for competent professional advice. Application of this information to a specific project should be reviewed by a registered architect and/or professional engineer/surveyor. Anyone making use of the information set forth herein does so at their own risk and assumes any and all resulting liability arising therefrom.