Building Materials - Concrete
Course Outline
Building materials are an integral part of human civilization. Many naturally occurring substances, such as clay, wood and rocks, have been used to construct buildings, roads and bridges for thousands of years. Due to many technological breakthroughs, the last century saw unprecedented innovation and development in new building materials. Many of these materials were composites of natural and synthetic substances, while others represented new forms of materials. The first part of this series begins with an overview of various building materials used for construction, and then focuses on the history, properties and applications of concrete, one of the world's most widely used building materials. This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of course materials.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course, the student will:
Intended Audience
This course is intended for engineers and construction professionals who want to learn about the applications and benefits of concrete.
Course Content
You are directed to the following weblinks to study for this course:
Building Materials (HTML page)
History and Properties of Concrete (PDF file)
Types of Concrete (HTML page)
Applications of Concrete (HTML page)
Course Summary
This course provides information about the history, properties and applications of concrete in addition to an overview of common building materials.
Related Links
Concrete Fundamentals
Concrete Knowledge Center
Once you finish studying the above course content you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.