Technical Report Writing

CHAPTER 4 Data Gathering

A. Summary

Data gathering is often more art than science. In this Chapter we'll review some important but often overlooked data sources, some unlikely data sources, the importance of the client or organization as a source of data, and some pitfalls to avoid.

Also, the important concept of the "level of detail" needed by each audience member will be addressed. As a final reality check, always subject your data to common sense tests. Does this answer really seem reasonable based on what you already know about the real world? If it doesn't, look again!

B. Previous Reports/Literature Searches

The basic message here is "Don't Re-invent The Wheel". Previous reports by your own organization and by others are an important source of data and may save you days or months of work. Always
find out if someone else has addressed the problem you are working on previously. Get copies of earlier related reports. There are almost always some. Treat these with caution though. They may contain errors or may be seriously out of date or not precisely on target, but once you've satisfied yourself that some parts of them provide reliable information, use them to the fullest extent possible. One caveat = give credit where credit is due. Cite the previous reports fully and thank their authors for doing some of your job for you. If you change the data in any way, say so. It is unfair to others to change their data and subject them to criticism for your possible errors.

C. Sources of Data

The data, i.e., the facts upon which your report is based, will usually fall into one or more of the following categories:

·    Original Data

·      Borrowed Data (Credit the Source)

·      Data provided by The Client

Original data from tests, measurements, analyses, etc. are those facts you've developed under the most carefully controlled and thought out conditions you can devise. Good empirical data results from careful, meticulous work. Sloppiness will produce garbage and invite criticism. You must be careful here however to balance time and cost against the ultimate value of the data within the context of your technical problem. This is much easier said than done, but ask yourself before you start how precise you need to be. Would an error of 1 percent, 10 percent or even 100 percent make any difference in the conclusions you draw from the data? Decide how much error you can tolerate and still infer meaningful results.

Borrowed data is discussed above under previous reports. If you have a choice, always use what appears to be the most reliable data source for your report purposes. This is especially true when you have several sources but the data from each differs somewhat. If the differences are small, cite all the sources and average the data in some way. If the differences are large, it is best to use the one source you feel the most confidence in and explain in your report why you are making that choice. If you feel you must include the other data sources, bury them in an appendix where hopefully no one will find them.

Data provided by your client is often problematical. You may at first feel that you have some "right" to rely upon this data. Don't be fooled. Review this data as you would any other. Is it complete? Is it accurate? Does it meet your reality checks?

For example, if your client tells you that his water system provides 1 million gallons per day of water for each of his 5,000 customers, do some simple math. This amounts to 200 gallons per person per day. The national average is between 100 and 150. Numbers like these are either in error or there must be some explanation for this high water use. Are there major leaks in the system? Is there a large industrial water user such as a cannery? Whatever the reason, you must find it and explain it and then deal with it in your report.

In all data, including your own the watchwords are:

·        Completeness

·        Accuracy

·        Reliability, i.e., reproducibility

·        Reasonableness (Reality Checking)

Some unlikely sources, which may at first seem a joke to you, include the following commonly available books and places:

The Public Library
City Hall
State and Federal Agencies
The Telephone Book
The Sears Roebuck Catalog
Hobby Clubs
Magazines in your field

Many writers of technical reports use these routinely for answers to sometimes simple questions such as, what is the population of Arizona, or how much does chain link fence cost, or how many sources of crushed rock might be available to build this road?

Don't overlook these obvious sources. The quality of the data is independent of the prestige of the source. A fact is a fact.

D. Inconsistent & Incomplete Data

When the data is inconsistent or incomplete you need to decide early whether to try to salvage it, or dump it. Some very crude data can be useful, if only for a first approximation, but measure the time and effort you must spend to make sense out of data that doesn't at first appear to make sense. If you decide to dump it, your early decision will help you by possibly allowing you time to gather better data.

Incomplete data can often be "filled in" by making reasonable assumptions about what happened during the periods for which the data is missing. Be cautious here too. Remember that when you do this you are, in effect, making up facts. Make absolutely certain that the assumptions you make are reasonable and express them explicitly in your report. Don't let somebody find out later that you made up data you didn't have. You will appear foolish and possibly may be conceived as deceitful.

E. Levels of Detail and The Excess Perfection Syndrome

Remember your audience? If not, this is the place to be reminded of them. Each member of that audience has different needs for the data in your report. Suppose you are writing a report on improvements to the water system. The City Councilman may only need to know a few facts; How much will it cost? When can it be done? How will it affect rates or taxes? etc.

The Water Superintendent needs much more detail. He may have a hundred questions such as; how much are annual chemical costs going to have to increase ? What additional power requirements will your plan entail ? Will additional staff be needed to operate the system ? Are added tests required by the regulatory agency ?, etc.

There is one simple device for meeting these widely varied needs for detail in your report.

Write the report moving from the general to the specific.

As you discuss each topic in the report put the most important facts and conclusions first. These are, by definition, those facts and conclusions which every reader needs in order to understand your report and the problem it is written to solve. This topic will be revisited in Chapter 5, Report Organization, but it is mentioned here because it is one of the central ideas of good report writing.


deformed studs


Figure 4-1


D. Summary: Why You Must Clearly Define Both Problems

Unless, and until, you have defined both the technical problems to be solved and the rhetorical reason you are writing the report you can't answer such questions as; what am I doing, why am I doing this, how am I going to do this, and how will I convince others that what I have done is worthwhile ?



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