Professional Ethics
for New Mexico Engineers & Land Surveyors
Course Outline
Besides meeting specific requirements, such as education, experience, and examination, a licensee must get familiar with the Board Rules in order to practice engineering in any state. While the Rules do vary from state to state, the basic requirements for the professional conduct and responsibility are very similar throughout the United States. In this course, the student is required to study the New Mexico Administrative Code Section 16.39 and the recent disciplinary actions taken by the Board. This course includes a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding of course materials.
Learning Objective
the conclusion of this course, the student will be familiar with:
The New Mexico State Board of Licensure for Professional
Engineers and Surveyors adopted the mandatory professional development program in 1994, which requires each licensee
to complete thirty hours of professional development (30 PDHs) during each license renewal biennium. In 2015, the Board adopted some rule changes in line with the 2012 New Mexico Engineering and Surveying Practice Act, which require each New Mexico licensee to complete 2 hours in ethics training within the 30-hour professional development, effective July 1, 2015. This course is designed to help a NM licensee meet this new requirement. Course
In this course, you are required to study the following document:
Professional Ethics
for New Mexico Engineers & Land Surveyors (PDF, 39 pages).
Please click on the above underlined hypertext to view, save or print the documents for your study.
Course Summary
To safeguard the life, health, property and welfare of the public, licensed professionals must fully understand the Board Laws and Rules. A licensee who violates any provision of the Board Laws and Rules may be subject to disciplinary action, such as reprimand, suspension or revocation of the license in addition to fines.
Related Links
For additional technical information related to this subject, please visit the following websites or web pages:Quiz
Once you finish studying the above course content, you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.