Envirnmental Management System
Jim Newton, P.E., DEE
Course Outline
This eight-hour course provides valuable information for those individuals who have an interest in developing and implementing an EMS. Completion of this course will provide the student the necessary information and testing to develop and implement an EMS. It was designed by an instructor who has developed and implemented several environmental management systems and numerous similar training courses.
This course requires the completion of a multiple-choice quiz at its conclusion in order to obtain the necessary certification for the individuals who are seeking to develop and implement an EMS.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:
Intended Audience
The intended audience for this course is any professional who is involved in any facility or operations, both commercial and governmental, who are considering implementing an environmental management system.
Benefit to Attendees
Attendees of this course will understand how to develop and implement an EMS. This program will greatly reduce the learning curve for any professional interested in an EMS.
Course Introduction
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in its 14001 standard defines an environmental management system (EMS) auditing as a set of policies, procedures and work instructions to reduce the impact of a facility's operations upon the environment. This course utilizes the document "Achieving Environmental Excellence: An Environmental Management System (EMS) Handbook for Wastewater Utilities" published by the US EPA as the basic text for developing and implementing an EMS. This course will not qualify the student as a lead auditor training under the ISO 14001 standard, but will provide most of the information required to take the lead auditor test. The course material presents introductory information required to obtain proficiency in the required subject matter.
Course Content
The associated course materials are contained in an Adobe Acrobat copy of the US EPA publication:
Lecture Slides (PDF file, 54 pages, 0.9 MB)
You need to open or download above documents to study this course.
Course Summary
This course discusses the 17 elements of an EMS, provides numerous real world examples, advice from many professionals who have successfully implemented an EMS, and presents a basic introduction to them.
Related Links
For additional information related to this subject, please visit the following websites or web pages:
US Environmental Protection Agency
Environment and Technology Foundation
PEER Center
Once you finish studying the above course content, you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.