Excel 6-Sigma Quality Tools Part-1
John Andrew, P.E.
Course Outline
This 8 PDH course includes essential Six-Sigma quality control problem solving methods applicable to the statistics and technology of the: industrial, chemical, mechanical, electrical, and production engineering disciplines. The focus is on solving basic product and process quality problems using Excel math tools.
Any value of an input parameter can be found for a target value of an Excel calculated item by using the “Goal Seek” tool in Excel.
This online course describes basic Six-Sigma quality calculations. Major topics are:
1. Quality Defined
2. Decision Making
3. Math Tools
4. Process design
5. Product Design
6. Reliability
7. Manufacturing
8. Inspection
The course includes
a multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to enhance the understanding
of the course materials.
Learning Objective
At the conclusion of this course the student will:
Intended Audience
The information will be especially useful to students, entrepreneurs, engineers, and innovators who want to update their knowledge base concerning some of the most important elements of Six sigma applied to manufacturing and process quality control.
Benefit to Attendees
Attendee of this course will be able to use Excel to optimize many product and process parameters for quality and reliability.
The market place for industrial products today demands innovation, improved designs, high reliability, quality, and low prices. This means rapid prototyping and production systems that are agile and able to change more rapidly. The basic components of manufacturing system quality elements are outlined in the course.
You need to download and study the following spreadsheet:
Excel 6-Sigma Quality Tools Part-1
DISCLAMER: "This spreadsheet is provided for illustrative teaching purpose only, and is not intended for use in any specific project. Anyone making use of theinformation contained in this spreadsheet does so at his/her own risk and assumes any and all resulting liability arising therefrom."
Course Summary
A brief and to the point summary of basic quality control analysis is provided in these notes and spreadsheet calculations that will provide information that can be applied to real world applications.
Related Links
A. Six Sigma Summary: http://en.wikipedia.com/wiki/Six_Sigma.
B. Six Sigma started at Motorola: http://www.motorola.com/motorolauniversity.jsp
C. The Six Sigma Forum offers opportunities for you to learn from other Six Sigma professionals and share your own knowledge and solutions. http://www.asq.com/sixsigma/
D. The United States Patent and Trademark Office Home Page at www.uspto.gov provides links to information about all aspects pertaining to invention patents.
Once you finish studying the above course content, you need to take a quiz to obtain the PDH credits.