Technical Report Writing
CHAPTER 10 Putting It All Together
Once you've completed the technical
tasks, it's time to bring all the data together into a complete, coherent report.
This process often starts before all the data is available. In other words,
you frequently need to begin writing the report before you have all of the information
you need to complete it. You will feel a great deal less uncomfortable about
this if you've thought through the purposes and intended audiences for your
report. With them in mind, you should already have a complete, but flexible,
outline for the final report.
How do you tell when it's time to begin
writing? You are ready to begin writing when you have enough data to answer
the most important technical questions posed by your report. If you are ready
to draw some conclusions, you're ready to begin writing the substantive portion
of the report. In other words, don't begin writing before you have something
to say but don't wait until you know all the answers either. You will almost
never have enough time in the real world to complete the report on schedule
if you wait until every detail has been investigated and every doubt resolved.
Putting it all together requires the
following main tasks:
Editing the Structure of the Report
Editing the Report Contents
Checking Numbers and References
Assembling the Completed Report for
Final Printing and Distribution
In doing these tasks, a personal computer
will be a great aid and is strongly recommended.
B. Editing for Structure
Editing is an art, but it can be learned.
Whether you are editing your own work or someone else's, you will save a great
deal of time if you edit the structure of the report before you begin to read
each Chapter or section. Look over the whole report first to be certain it fits
the outline and organizational scheme you decided on earlier. If it doesn't,
reorganize it before going on so that it does. Unless you do, you will waste
hours or days reading text that is in the wrong place in the report or is repeated
unnecessarily. You will find yourself frustrated by having to wade through pieces
of text which, because they are misplaced, do not relate to the subject of the
Chapter or Section. If you find this, you know that the writer has forgotten
the outline and his job as writer. That job is to craft the report in such a
way that the rhetorical purpose of each paragraph, section, chapter and graphic
is served.
Editing for Content
Once you are satisfied that the report
is organized in a logical way according to your original plan, you can begin
editing for content.
Check Those Numbers! In technical reports,
numbers are all important. Certain numbers will necessarily be repeated in several
places within the report. These are especially important because if they are
wrong one place they are likely to be wrong in another place. Such numbers can
cause discrepancies if they are different in different parts of the report.
Don't, for example say in Chapter 2 that the project will cost $3,350,000 and
then say in Chapter 7 that the cost is 3,530,000. This kind of easily made transposition
error confuses the reader and makes him doubt your technical ability as well
as your ability to write, or add or multiply.
A second category of numbers which may
cause problems are those from which many other values are derived. For example,
in the design of a water system, the design population, the average day demand
in the design year, and the assumed fire flows must be carefully selected or
calculated. They provide the basis for every pipe size in the system, every
well capacity, every storage reservoir, every pump and many other system components
and directly affect the cost of the project to the users. You can make numerical
mistakes in a report and still be considered a good technical writer but those
mistakes had better be in insignificant things, not in basic numbers.
Checking References
There are two kinds of references which
often appear in technical reports about which the author need be concerned.
If you refer to many previous reports or cite numerous authoritative sources,
a List of References or Bibliography is advisable. It will save you much work
by not having to repeat each full citation throughout the report. Listing and
numbering them saves both you and your reader a lot of time and effort. Help
him/her and help yourself by devising an easy way to refer to information sources
A second, even more important reference,
is the "internal" reference. Suppose, for example, that in Chapter
2 of your report you write the following sentence:
".......................Costs for
each of the three alternatives are calculated in Chapter 7.................."
Suppose that somehow, by mistake, you either don't calculate those costs or
you decide to put them in Chapter 8, instead. Your reader may find them or he/she
may not. Either way, the reader will be annoyed at being sent him on a search
and at having his/her time wasted.
One way to help avoid this problem is
to highlight all text in the report which refers to some other part of the report.
In the example above, the reference to Chapter 7 is bold faced so that it stands
out from the rest of the paragraph . This system has two very important advantages
and is recommended even for rough draft reports.
Its first advantage is to you and to
those who have to edit your writing. It allows you both to more quickly cross
check internal references to be certain that they really do agree. Your reader
also receives a benefit from this practice because you lead the reader's eye
to important parts of your report. This allows him/her to quickly scan the report,
find the information he/she needs and not be forced to read every word. This,
and other tricks mentioned in previous Chapters make, you report "scan-able."
Few technical reports are ever read word for word, cover to cover. If you hope
to get your message to the reader, you must assume he/she will scan the report
first and if they don't find what they are looking for, will toss it aside.
A number of generic checklists are included
in this syllabus for your use. But feel free to change them to fit your needs
and the kind of reports you write. As an aid to your memory, a checklist can't
be beat. It will serve you best by never allowing you to make that big, stupid
mistake we all dread; like leaving out the conclusion section.
D. Writing Reports on the Computer
If you don't use, or feel you don't
need, a computer, please reconsider. Even if all your reports are short and
routine, a computer can be a great aid in many ways. Software, i.e., programs
in the following general categories, are most helpful to technical writers:
1. Word Processors
2. Spreadsheets
3. Form Generators
4. Desktop Publishing
5. Style/Grammar Checkers
6. Presentation Graphics
8. Special Purpose Programs*
* Special Purpose Programs are those
designed to do some special job you need to do in your position; especially
one you do repeatedly. An example might be a program to calculate Chlorine feed
rates for a water treatment plant based on flow and source water quality factors.
If the program you need doesn't exist, ask around. Chances are some one of your
colleagues have either found it or written one. If not, consider writing it
Even if you are not a typist, as I am
not, a computer can bring you benefits of speed, accuracy, and improved appearance
of the finished report. Perhaps most important, the computer gives you the ability
to easily clone your reports for other purposes. You can take one report, already
written, and with either major or minor editing, produce a second report thereby
saving you hours, or days of dull work. You will, with a computer, also have
opened the door to other possibilities. You can exchange data between programs
so that you might, for example, import a spreadsheet calculation into your word
processor and use it as a table of data then add a graph to illustrate the data
from your graphics package.
To be computer illiterate today is to
place yourself at least ten yards behind in the 100 yard dash. In some occupations
this is not true, but you, as a technical practitioner and writer, have not
chosen one of those occupations.
The cost of computer hardware and software
has trended downward from the beginning of the Personal Computer age a decade
ago. Even so, we cannot all afford all the things we'd like to have, or at least
like to try. The following two sections describe some writing tools which are
good, available and affordable. The lists are just personal opinion and others
with more knowledge can produce better lists. The programs were selected mainly
because they are low cost, or proven or involve little risk for the novice.
Experienced PC users have no need of this list but beginners may appreciate
a few suggestions.
Ten Shareware Programs for Technical Writers
Word Processor PC-Write
Spreadsheet PC-Calc or Express Calc
Form Generator EZ Forms
Desktop Publishing Rubicon Publisher
Style/Grammar Checker RightWriter
Presentation Graphics Graphics Workshop
Print Enhancer Print Partner
Flat File Data Base PC-File
File Compression PKZip
This list is based mainly on the listings
in Shareware Magazine, published by PC-SIG. More on this, and other shareware
sources, below. Evaluation copies of shareware may be obtained for $3.00 to
$5.00 per disk. Registered versions typically run $20.00 to $100.00, seldom
Several equally good alternatives to
certain shareware programs exist. For a nominal cost you may try several in
each category and decide which you like best. Then, register your copy and tell
the author you appreciate his work.
The Number 1 Shareware source on the
West Coast:
1030 D East Duane Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Orders: 800 - 245-6717
Information : (408) 730-9291
F. Ten Commercial Programs for Technical
Top selling programs are reported weekly in several of the popular computing magazines and by Softsell, a trade publication for computer software dealers. This list is based only partly on those sources and partly on personal prejudice. Expect this list to change frequently.
There are so many free programs around
that no attempt is made here to even list them. Important sources for such programs
include; PC Magazine, PC World Magazine, PC-SIG in Sunnyvale California, the
Houston PC Club in Texas and any of a hundred local and national RBBS's (Bulletin
Boards). Their size is usually small and their usefulness often limited but
they are worth investigating.
Two such programs you will find very
handy are CO.COM and WHEREIS.COM . CO.COM can replace the DOS command "DIR".
It allows you to selectively copy, erase, move or re-sort the files in any directory
or subdirectory. It works something like X-Tree but it costs nothing.
WHEREIS.COM will find any file on your
hard disk even if you've forgotten exactly what you named it. As long as you
can remember even a part of the name, WHEREIS.COM will find it for you. You
can, for example, type <WHEREIS
*.WQ1>and the program will search all the directories and subdirectories
on your hard disk a list all the files having the file extension ".WQ1".
Many useful public domain programs exist to solve these and similar problems
A PC can help you write faster, better
and more easily . Give it a try.