Technical Report Writing
CHAPTER 8 - Writing Style, Grammar, Punctuation
& Spelling
Chapter Summary
English 101 this is not. Your language,
grammar, spelling and usage skills are presumed to be at least adequate for
everyday communication. In this Chapter, the emphasis is on ways to increase
those skills and avoid some of the most common errors found in technical reports.
The choices we make in word and sentence
length and structure, style and "terms of art" create the impression
our report makes on our audience. It is their, our audience's, needs which is
our best guide in making these choices.
Audience Analysis
In deciding upon a writing style you
must, again, return to the analysis of your audience. The style you choose will
be determined by the things you know, or can reasonably assume, about your readers.
The information and knowledge they have will guide you as you choose the words,
sentences and paragraphs which will ultimately be your report.
If your audience is largely technically
oriented, educated and inclined, then your style is likely to be characterized
by longer sentences, more complex sentence structure, technical terms and jargon
and references to things only a fellow technician would be expected to know
about. But, this is seldom the case. Even in reports or articles written for
technical journals, it is probable that your audience will be much more varied
than this. Even if it is not, such writing is very difficult to read and tends
to sound stilted and pompous.
For all except the most narrow audiences
a much simpler style is recommended. Try to avoid the kind of dense technical
writing which may be found in such publications as the Journal of the American
Medical Association or even Scientific American.
Reading Level (7th Grade)
The daily newspaper is written for a
seventh grade reading level. It is intended for a general audience and, sad
though it may be to say so, that is the level at which most Americans can read
and comprehend. Your report may aim a little higher, but not much. Remember
that many of your readers are not accustomed to reading technical material and
following intricate and convoluted analyses. If you have any of the style analysis
tools such as Grammatik II or RightWriter, subject a sample of your writing
to them. See what they tell you about your usual style. Is it complicated, passive
voiced and does it have a high "fog-index"? If it does, consider how
you can reduce the reading level required to understand your writing. Doing
so will make your message accessible to more of your intended audience.
D. Sentence Length
It is axiomatic that long, complex sentences
are more difficult to understand than shorter simpler ones. As you analyze your
own writing and that of others, this is perhaps the easiest place to start toward
making it more easily read and understood. Here's a quick example of a long
sentence rewritten into two shorter ones. It is taken from an early draft of
this syllabus, Chapter 5:
First the original sentence;
from the hours saved by not having to retype pages of more or less interchangeable
text, the great advantage of cloning lies in the fact that the report organization,
its design, is already provided for you."
can save you hours by not having to retype pages of generic, interchangeable
text. But its great advantage is that the report's organization is already present
in the original report. "
The re-write has six fewer words and
is easier to read and understand. This kind of reduction can almost always be
done with any long sentence. It can also be overdone. You can expect, in a technical
report, that there will be some long sentences. They are not out of place in
such writing but their number should be minimized.
Word Choices
The words you choose to express your
ideas greatly affect the impression you make on your readers. During the Apollo
Moon Landing mission NASA chose to use terms such as; "Lunar Excursion
Module", and "Extra Vehicular Activity". The first described
what was essentially a dune buggy. The second meant that the astronauts got
out of the dune buggy and walked around on the moon's surface. This kind of
stilted, pseudo-scientific terminology seems to some of us, ludicrous. It is
using ten dollar words to express two-bit ideas and NASA carried this sort of
thing to extremes. Other examples abound in the speech and writing of people
like Howard Cossell and in much advertising copy.
Avoid this stuff. If you have a simple
idea, try to express it simply. If you have a complicated idea, use the simplest
terms you can think of to describe it. The best word in any particular context
is not necessarily the shortest or simplest; it is the word that says exactly
what you want to say.
F. Active Voice and Action Words
Much technical writing suffers from
overuse of the passive voice. It is very difficult to overcome this but your
writing will be much improved if you can.
Technical Terms and Jargon
Technical terms and jargon are unavoidable
in technical report writing and it is not suggested that you even try to avoid
them. They have advantages in that, they provide a kind of short-hand
for you and your reader. It would be almost impossible for you to describe,
for example, a water treatment plant without using any chemical names. But,
if some of your audience is unlikely to understand those names or know why certain
chemicals are used in water treatment processes, you've lost them.
The easiest way around this is to define
any technical terms you will use in your report somewhere early in the report.
If there are not too many such terms, it is a simple matter to define them the
first time they are used. A brief paragraph describing, for example, the chemicals
commonly used in water treatment and the reasons for using them would help your
non-technical readers and save you the trouble of trying to think up synonyms
for them.
This obscure word is defined by Webster
to mean; " synecdoche (sin neck dough key) n. A Figure of speech by which
a more inclusive term is used for a less inclusive term, or vice versa. For
example, head for cattle or the law for a policeman."
It can also be used in a slightly different
sense and provides you, as technical writer, with a powerful tool for making
seemingly complex ideas much more understandable. The tax system of the United
States is, you would probably agree, pretty complex. Yet, if you reduce it to
its simplest terms it is not. Suppose that instead of fifty states, there were
only two; one of them rich and one of them poor. The federal tax system collects
taxes from both states, uses some of the money to run the government and then
gives back to the poor state, through some program, more money than it gives
back to the rich state. In short, it re-distributes the wealth. Of course it
is not really this simple, but on its most elemental level it is.
Such over-simplified examples can be useful to you as a writer attempting to
explain technical subjects to non-technical audiences.
It is a good technique and an excellent
exercise to try to think up a synecdoche like this for the problems you are
called upon to describe and explain.
I. Common Mistakes
A well written technical report must
first be technically correct. Your reader expects you, as a technical advisor,
to know how to spell, how to use words correctly and how to punctuate. If you
don't know how to do these things, your other technical abilities are cast in
a shadow of doubt.
a. Spelling Checkers
- If you are not already producing your technical reports using a good word
processor, start. There is no quicker way to check your report for spelling
and other grammatical errors, such as doubled words.
b. Usage Notes
- Some word processors also offer usage note for commonly misused words. Here's
an example from Textra 6.0:
"ACCEPT: v. to take or receive
something that is offered, usually with approval; to agree or consent to; to
receive or regard as true or proper
EXCEPT: prep. excluding, leaving out;
other than, but (a) v. to omit, to exclude (b)
correct usage: She accepted his invitation
to dinner.
He hoped she would accept the terms of the contract.
Finally, she believed he was sincere and accepted his apology.
He didn't say anything all night except that he was tired. (a)
He decided to except Jeff from his invitation list. (b)
incorrect usage: Everything accept the
rice was delicious.
Everyone accept Joanne was wearing a red hat.
She didn't except his invitation to
the party.
He was not willing to except her refusal.
NOTES: Accept is only a verb while except
is both verb and preposition. Take a look at their different meanings to decide
which one to use. "
This kind of help for about 100 commonly
misused words is just a keystroke away. If your word processor doesn't offer
this feature consider one that does or find a separate program which gives you
access to at least an electronic dictionary so you can look these words up for
c. Style and Grammar Checkers
If you feel your writing style needs
major surgery, then programs such as Grammtik II, RightWriter and similar aids
may be for you. They offer help in reducing sentence and word length, proper
usage of those tricky words like "accept" and "except" or
"allusion" and "illusion" and spelling. The better programs
will also calculate the fog index of your writing and the reading level needed
to comprehend it and will often annotate your text with suggestions for changes.
d. Consistency in Terms and Style
Much confusion arises from taking some
of this advice too seriously. Many writers, in a effort to bring some variety
and interest to their writing, go to extremes to find different ways to describe
the same thing. This can be dangerous and confusing in a technical report. If,
for example, Chapter 1 of your report referred to a water reservoir as "a
reservoir" continue to use that term. Don't change to calling it a "pool"
in Chapter 3 and then in Chapter 8 calling it an "impoundment". Many
of your readers may not understand these terms to be synonymous, which indeed
they are not.
In team writing the problem of consistency
in style can also arise. No two people write in exactly the same way and it
is seldom that there is only one "correct" way to say something. In
organizations where team writing is practiced this problem can be largely overcome
through the use of style manuals and frequent meetings among team members to
review and mutually offer constructive criticism.
Summing Up
This is not a course in basic English
grammar and usage. You are presumed to have a good working knowledge of the
language that you use daily in your work. But all of us can improve our language
and communication skills through attention to some of the details discussed
in this section. In a report, which will inevitably be mainly words on paper,
words are our most important tools. Skill in using those tools to fashion reports
which can be read and understood by the audience we hope to communicate with
is a basic for success.
References in you report which are meant
to lead the reader to some other part of the report should be set off from the
main body of the text in some consistent way. You, as the writer will also find
this especially helpful when editing the report. Because these references stand
out, it will be easier to spot them and check them to make certain they are
correct and do not mislead either you or your reader.